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cloud security risks
cloud security risks

Top 10 Cloud Security Risks in 2024 & How ePathUSA Can Help

In 2024, as businesses increasingly move to the cloud for its flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, ensuring robust cloud security has become more critical than ever. With cyber threats evolving in sophistication, it’s crucial to stay ahead by understanding the top cloud security risks and how to mitigate them. At ePathUSA, we specialize in helping businesses navigate these challenges and secure their cloud environments effectively. Here are the top 10 cloud security risks in 2024 and how ePathUSA can help you tackle them.

1. Data Breaches


Data breaches remain one of the most significant risks in the cloud. Unauthorized access to sensitive data can lead to financial loss, legal penalties, and reputational damage.


ePathUSA implements advanced encryption protocols and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect data both at rest and in transit. Our security experts also conduct regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address potential weaknesses.

2. Misconfigured Cloud Settings


Misconfiguration of cloud resources can lead to unintended exposure of sensitive information. This often occurs due to human error or lack of understanding of cloud settings.


ePathUSA offers configuration management services that ensure your cloud settings are optimized for security. We use automated tools to continuously monitor and correct misconfigurations, minimizing the risk of exposure.

3. Insider Threats


Insider threats from employees or contractors can be intentional or accidental, leading to data leaks or sabotage.


ePathUSA deploys robust identity and access management (IAM) solutions to restrict access based on roles and responsibilities. We also conduct regular security training and awareness programs to educate employees about best practices and the importance of vigilance.

4. Insecure APIs


APIs are essential for cloud integration but can be a significant security risk if not properly secured, potentially exposing vulnerabilities to attackers.


ePathUSA ensures that all APIs are secured through rigorous testing and implementation of security best practices, such as rate limiting, authentication, and encryption. We also monitor API traffic for suspicious activities.

5. Account Hijacking


Cybercriminals can hijack user accounts through phishing attacks or exploiting weak passwords, gaining unauthorized access to cloud resources.


ePathUSA employs MFA, strong password policies, and regular account activity monitoring to detect and prevent account hijacking attempts. We also provide phishing simulation exercises to help employees recognize and avoid phishing scams.

6. Lack of Compliance


Failing to comply with industry regulations and standards can lead to legal penalties and loss of trust.


ePathUSA helps businesses achieve and maintain compliance with relevant regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. Our compliance experts conduct regular audits and provide guidance on necessary adjustments to your cloud infrastructure.

7. Data Loss


Data loss can occur due to accidental deletion, hardware failure, or cyberattacks, resulting in significant business disruption.


ePathUSA implements robust data backup and disaster recovery solutions to ensure data is regularly backed up and can be quickly restored in case of loss. Our solutions include automated backups and geographically dispersed data storage to protect against localized failures.

8. Insufficient Due Diligence


Insufficient due diligence before adopting cloud services can lead to choosing providers that do not meet security requirements, putting your data at risk.


ePathUSA conducts thorough assessments of cloud service providers to ensure they meet stringent security standards. We help businesses evaluate potential providers based on their security capabilities, compliance certifications, and overall reliability.

9. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks


DoS attacks can overwhelm cloud services, causing downtime and impacting business operations.


ePathUSA utilizes advanced threat detection and mitigation strategies to protect against DoS attacks. We deploy network traffic monitoring and anomaly detection tools to identify and respond to threats in real-time.

10. Shadow IT


Shadow IT, where employees use unauthorized cloud services, can bypass security controls and introduce vulnerabilities.


ePathUSA implements comprehensive monitoring and control measures to detect and manage shadow IT. We also work with businesses to establish clear policies and provide approved alternatives to ensure employees have the tools they need without compromising security.

How ePathUSA Can Help

At ePathUSA, we understand that cloud security is a continuous process requiring vigilance and expertise. Our team of security professionals is dedicated to helping you secure your cloud environment through a combination of advanced technologies, best practices, and proactive monitoring.

Our Services Include:

  • Security Assessments: Comprehensive evaluations of your cloud infrastructure to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Managed Security Services: Ongoing management and monitoring of your cloud security to ensure continuous protection.
  • Compliance Support: Assistance with achieving and maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Training and Awareness: Programs to educate your employees on security best practices and emerging threats.
  • Incident Response: Rapid response and remediation in the event of a security breach.

Final Words 

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud security, staying ahead of risks is essential for protecting your business. By understanding the top cloud security risks in 2024 and implementing the solutions provided by ePathUSA, you can ensure a secure and resilient cloud environment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you safeguard your cloud infrastructure and achieve peace of mind.

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